Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A post-op update...

Ok, just heard from the vet. The surgeon, himself, called to update us. (not sure if that's normal, but I'm very happy)

So, Max came through the surgery well. His blood work was good, and he made it through the anesthesia well. The vet said that the whole top of the femur was definitely "busted off" and that the more expensive surgery wouldn't have worked very well. And, even if it had, he would have definitely ended up with arthritis. It's so good to know that we chose the best option for Max.

Max is really groggy right now, and will be staying overnight at the vet's. So, good news all around. I will go to pick him up tomorrow, probably will leave work early to do so. After we get him home and settled back in, I'll take some pictures and will post them with an update.


Anonymous said...

So glad Max is ok, he sure will be sore for a while.

Anonymous said...

We were all pulling for you Max, what a painful thing to experience.